Ransomware – Are you the Next Target?

In 2021, many Australians fell victim to ransomware attacks and the accounting industry was in the top three industry sectors to notify data breaches. The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) reported an increase of 24% in ransomware incidents from the previous six month reporting period.  Average ransom payments…

Predicted ATO audit activity trends for 2021 & 2022

Despite the temporary slowing in 2020 of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and other State & Federal government revenue authorities’ audit activity levels due to the Covid-19 pandemic, 2021 has already proved to be as busy as ever. Our claims team recently published an article on tax audit claim stats all…

Fair Work Commission Orders 2.5% Minimum Wage Increase

Minimum wage earners can expect a boost following a decision by the Fair Work Commission to increase their wages by 2.5%. This will see full-time workers take home about $20.33 an hour, or $772.60 a week. It translates into an increment of $18.80 a week, impacting as many as 2.5…

Bitcoin Investment Gaining Popularity

Though volatile at times, Bitcoin has gained in value considerably since its introduction. Moreover, its rise has largely been unaffected by COVID. Bitcoin has more than doubled its market value since January, partly due to central banks’ easing of interest rates which have shown to affect the popularity of cryptocurrency.…

What does 2021 have in store for ATO audit activity?

Much of the world has experienced some sort of shutdown this year, with governments implementing financial support strategies to keep their economies from slipping into a recession amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Australia was no exception, with support packages such as JobKeeper and cash flow boost propping up the country. In…

The latest tax audit claim stats that all accountants in Australia will want to know

Every accountant will know that reviews or audits of your client’s tax returns can sometimes be unavoidable. This is seldom a reflection of the work that is put into preparing the returns and is more often than not due to a specific crackdown by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) or other State government revenue authorities. It could be through a variety of data matching or artificial intelligence sources used to assist in initiating audit…

ATO Warns Employers that it will be on the Lookout for JobKeeper Cheats

As the first wave of JobKeeper payments are distributed throughout the country, the Australian Taxation Office says it will be keeping a close watch on employers and will expose those who try to defraud the system. The government has allocated $130 billion for JobKeeper payments, which will pay eligible workers…

The effects of Covid-19 on cyber crime

There are a number of reports emerging that predicts e-scams are likely to increase in the coming weeks and months. The Australian Cyber Security Centre have encouraged everyone to remain alert and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission have received over 140 reports from individuals and businesses across Australia about…